Saturday, October 30, 2010

80's Cartoon

                  The best part of the weekend was growing up rushing to the TV and see what the cartoons and where they were to meet me. 80s cartoons were innocent, and all had a great message to live. Good triumphs over evil and I always knew I would not hear any language that was inappropriate. There's many memorable cartoons of the 1980th

Smurfs: Smurf What you have identified? Papa Smurf had his hands full when it comes to the antics of all Smurfing into the 80's cartoon was blue, and all want to collect all the pieces of their favorite characters. Every week there was a problem with one of the Smurfs. It was dissolved with love, while the defense Gargamel in the process or his annoying cat.

GI Joe: Combat to arms, these American heroes of the waves set in action when the plastic action figure Came To Life In His Own 80's cartoon. Children across the country were playing with their dolls every Saturday morning, while GI Joe saves the world in one form or another in mortal combat with the enemy. Who knows how many young people went into the military with the idea of these stickers on the back of their minds.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: One of the biggest hits of the 80 cartoons. Four turtles were eating pizza and lived in the sewers evil skills while learning from your mentor rat, that's the premise of this iconic cartoon in the 80 years of what has made way for backpacks and lunch boxes around the country. It sparked a desire to learn martial arts again and showed that young people could fight for justice, even if they were turtles.

Thundercats: Cats as a super hero with a mythology theme. This is given the premise of the popular show The Felt Like You were brought up during it. It was put an interesting twist Age fight against crime and cats on the map before the notorious Broadway musical. One of the most popular cartoons of the 80s.

Spiderman and his Amazing Friends: If you get something from a spider in high school, then you will be part of a group fighting crime. With the help of his friends, Spiderman, found a way to fight the bad guy every week in this popular 80's cartoon. However, he still had time to pine over his would-be girlfriend while taking great pictures for the school newspaper.

Inspector Gadget: Do You Wish You Had exactly the right tool for everything? That was no problem for Inspector Gadget. Although they did not always useful as they are, he had. Was it fun to set each week and see what they come up with next.

There are many other Top 80 cartoons that come to mind when Teddy Ruxpin, strawberry tarts and such He-Man Masters of the Universe. All were iconic and honest, and you have to worry about what your children were observed. Many of these 80 cartoons are still around various second hand shops or online for you to view. Some stations even have 80s cartoons on cable channels for you and your whole family to enjoy.

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